Saturday, March 21, 2009

So They All Rolled Over & One (almost) Fell Out

Have you ever woken up hanging onto the side of your bed for dear life. Afraid if you make one more movement towards the edge of the bed you are going to crash onto the hardwood floor. Risk knocking over your nightstand, and end up with a lamp being smashed to pieces on top of your head? Well..that's exactly what happened to me last night.

My husband is an awesome dad. So awesome, in fact, that he has trouble saying no. I am a very sound sleeper and hear nothing in the middle of the night. Unless our dog is raising all kinds of hell because hes seen a raccoon or deer in our yard, then I tend to jump right up out of a deep sleep. But otherwise, I hear nothing. So when out kids sneak into our room at night asking to sleep with us..I miss out on that whole conversation. I have a feeling it goes like this:

"Daddy, can I ..."

"Go ahead and get into to bed."

Yes, my husband is a sucker when it comes to sweet sleepy voices. (I assume.)

So back to why I was hanging on for dear life. I woke up at 4am, with a major backache, clinging to the edge of my bed, and no pillow under my head. I started to roll over and got a bony elbow right in the boob. I tried to push that little pile of bones (Twinkletoes) over to get some room and ended up bumping right into SB. I then started pushing on him to get him to roll over, only to find out that Punk was on the other side of him!

I was a bit irritated by all of this. I don't like my kids sleeping in my bed, unless they are sick. Then, I don't mind having them close. But otherwise, they have their own beds..they need to SLEEP IN THEM!

When SB finally got out of bed around 6:30 to head off to work the three of us remaining were able to stretch out a little. (I only have a queen-sized bed and am seriously considering upgrading to a king after our night last night.)

But anyway...back to the story.

So, I woke up about an hour later, and immediately called SB on his cell to let him know that I was NOT pleased that he allowed BOTH kids sleep with us. I need my rest!! And I have a bad back!! I can't sleep squished up like I did.. ANYMORE!

Turns was all MY fault. Well he didn't say that, but after hearing WHY they came and got into bed I realized, "Oops". They were scared because their rooms were too dark. We have an angel nightlight on our bathroom vanity that gives off a pretty nice glow and if I leave all the doors open..well they get a soft light shining into their rooms. Yesterday I had unplugged it to plug in my blow dryer and flat iron and..forgot to plug back in that darn light.

So when the kids came in complaining about being scared of the dark, SB DID in fact try to get them back to bed, and plugged the nightlight back in. But it was too late. They were upset and it was just easier for the pushover him to let them sleep with us.

So I'm now recovering from a miserable night of sleep. I'm on my 8th cup of coffee, have taken 4 ibuprofen and am waiting for nap time. Oh that's right..I don't get to nap!


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! (not the part about you having to take 4 ibuprofen, but your way of telling it) Love the title...
Hope you get some better rest tonight!