Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Cat Says Moo

So we're sitting at the KITCHEN TABLE yesterday morning and the kids were eating their cereal. With milk. Which to some of you may seem like "Okay, so...?" But my kids NEVER want milk in their cereal. They prefer it "dry".

But yesterday they wanted milk, so of course I was more than happy to oblige.

After finishing off his cereal. Punk was "drinking" the milk with his spoon and randomly yelled out "YUM! COW MILK!"

I looked up, laughed out loud and said, "Yeah..that's where milk comes from."

He replied, "No, it ain't." To which I laughed out loud again, because seriously? Ain't? Where did he learn that? That word most definitely is not in my vocabulary. Maybe he's heard his dad say it? I dont know. But so random!

Twinkletoes was in the process of putting her empty bowl in the kitchen and comes back to the table just a chuckling like she heard the funniest joke. I looked at her with that "what's so funny" look on my face and she squeaks out between giggles, "Milk don't come from cows! *hee hee* Milk comes from CATS!"

So I then proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes explaining to Punk that "ain't ain't a word and we ain't gonna say it"...and to Twinkletoes...well I tried explaining that yes, some milk comes from cats but the milk WE drink comes from cows. She continued to giggle. I think she thinks I was kidding. Maybe I need to start looking into preschools, because apparently, I "ain't" doing such a hot job of home preschooling these kids on my own!


MrsM said...

Kids pick up all sorts of fun and crazy ideas and habits! It "ain't" a reflection on you or your home school just means your kids are very creative :)