Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Think She's CUTE!

So apparently an older version of Dora is set to release later this year. This way our daughters (and sons) who adore Dora can have her "grow" with them. As much as my kids love Dora, (Punk has kind of turned his back on her now that he's 5!) it saddens me to think that this little girl, who annoyed me to no end at first but whom I now love, would stop being a part of their childhood once they "outgrow" her. So for me, this new Dora is exciting and I can't wait to see how they market her and how she will become a part of our family.

But unfortunately, there are lots of moms out there who are in an uproar. They think that Mattel & Nickelodeon have "sexed" Dora up. I don't see it. I think this new version of Dora looks about like any other regular little girl as she grows up. Becoming aware of fashion, and wanting to try it out for herself.

Take a look at this pic and let me know what you think. When you are done here, you should go read the article that brought all of this to my attention.


Suburban Turmoil said...

I like her, too. Frankly the original Dora grates on my nerves.

Don't tell Boots I said that.

MrsM said...

GAH-Dora. I simply have no use for her now that Kai-Lan is on the block. Still, I don't think that Tween Dora looks slutty at all-she's not 5 anymore, and neither are the girls that would be interested in the product. Maybe THAT'S what's really bothering the parents here.

Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I think she looks like a cute and sweet pre-teen girl. I saw some tweets about it recently and some lady got mad at me when I said I think she is fine and compared to the Bratz she is Fan-freakin-tastic.