Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sick Days. Then & Now.

I have been sick now for almost 2 weeks. I thought I was getting better, but now I think I am having a relapse. I think I have an infected vocal cord. Or maybe not. But that's just how it feels. Every time I cough there is a searing pain in one part of my throat. My voice is weakened. So I am trying not to talk. If you know me, you'll understand that this is virtually impossible. I love to talk. And I also have 3 kids, and a dog whom I have to yell at about 1000 times a day. So lets just say, it's been a long morning..already.

It's hard to get your point across when one child is beating on the other, or the dog is biting off their socks when all you can do is whisper (in a stern tone) "knock it off or you will sit in time out (go in your kennel)".

I wish I had a whistle.

So today we are just trying to survive. Or I am at least. I've decided to take a sick day and not do anything around here. Well I'll still dress & bathe the kids, make the meals, unload & load the dishwasher, take out that trash...but that's it. I swear. Toys all over the house, so be it. Beds unmade, oh well. Momma is sick and I need to rest.

Makes me wish I wouldn't have taken sick days as a kid for granted. When all I was expected to do was lie on my grandma's couch, get waited on and watch how ever many cartoons I wanted. And nap. Oh how I wish I'd have taken advantage of naps when I was able to take them!

In other news, I wrote a pretty great blog (if I do say so myself) about my choice to workout using the Beachbody programs on my other blog. If you're not in a rush, go check it out!