Friday, March 13, 2009

Okay Lord, You Have My Attention

I've been needing to make some changes in my life. Nothing major...well something very major. But what I mean is nothing like moving or divorcing my husband! ;)

What I mean is I've been needing to refocus on my faith. I am a Christian. I love Jesus and I know that through him I have received Grace.

But I have not been very faithful to him. I have only been praying when I needed something, or when I remembered. Not good. I haven't been going to church because we have had reasons to search for a new one. Unfortunately, I have been using the "we're looking for a new church" excuse for over a year.

I need to refocus on Him. I need to get back to church. I need to trust.

Thanks to an amazing blogger that I have recently come across, my heart has been spoken to. I spent a couple of hours yesterday reading her blog and sobbing. Yes, her story is sad. Very sad. She has experienced more sadness than any one person should ever have to encounter. But yet she still trusts in Him. She still is reaching out to so many others when even the best of us may have turned inward and shut others out. I am in awe of her.

But the thing is. When I was reading her multiple posts. And like I said, sobbing. My heart was being spoken to. He was telling me that sure, she has great faith, but there is nothing stopping me from having that same kind of faith too. Except me. I'm holding myself back. He is there waiting for me. He has always been there. And I have not been meeting him in the quiet. Heck, I haven't been meeting him nearly enough in any situation.

So Lord, I am here now.

And for those of you wanting to know who this lovely blogger is. Just click on the box below. And make sure to have plenty of tissues available.