Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Day I Killed My Blog Before It Ever Got Started

Today is one of those "beautifully deceiving" days. I got up this morning, and knew it was going to be chilly..but as the day stretched on and the sun began to shine, I started to get excited. It was going to be warm, AGAIN! I had visions of opening the windows, taking the kids outside, sitting on the porch, playing Simon Says, pushing the kids on the swing set, you get the idea...

But no.

It's cold.

And windy.

Which makes it feel colder.

This stinks.

So instead we're spending the day inside. The kids are sick. Ducky puked all over the kitchen floor and then went and got a dish towel out of the drawer and attempted to clean it up all by her little 18 month old self. It was cute. But not that cute.

I'm bored. They're bored. Now I am sure YOU are bored after having to read this. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. This isn't a great start for the new blog. But what can I say. Its cold. We're trapped in the house. I'm bored. So why shouldn't you be too?


Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

Poor Ducky, we have had some sick going around our house lately too. Also, I agree this cold but sunny day is totally lame. Give me cold and gray/snowy or warm and sunny but don't mix them together!