Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We are encountering a beautiful weather week here in Ohio! Absolutely beautiful, let me tell ya! Yesterday was the coolest day we will have at 66. The rest of the week is mid-70's through low 80's! So exciting!

Yesterday the kids and I went to a local greenhouse and picked up some orange poppy plants to put on our "mountain"..the hill on the back of our yard that is covered in trees and other bushes. Everything is so green and we needed a nice burst of color and what better way to do that than with POPPIES!

Then I mowed the yard. I had intended to save it for my husband to do. But Monday's are our busy days with ball practice and dance class in the evening and I knew he wouldn't have time. With the rest of the week being much warmer I thought it would be nice to get it done for him so he wouldn't have to sweat like a crazy man getting it done.

Now our week is free of outdoor chores, and we can just enjoy the warmth and HAVE FUN!

Today the kids and I are going to plant some banana peppers, jalapenos and cucumbers along the side of our house. My attempt at learning to garden. And then, it's nothing but play!

I hope you all have a wonderful week and I will hopefully be full of funny stories to share as the days progress!


MrsM said...

Hey lady~you're my very first featured follower on Mommy's Fabulous Find Friday! I'll be emailing you interview questions. If you could just get them back to me by next Thursday that'd be great :) I'm so excited to feature you!