Thursday, May 7, 2009

The "Experts" Don't Know It All

This morning, as I was sitting out on my breezeway, drinking my 1st cup of coffee and lazily skimming the April issue of Parent's Magazine, I came across an article about night terrors.

Just a small little tidbit, but as I was reading it, I came across this quote, "While the episodes can be scary for you, your child won't remember a thing."

Not true!

As a young child, I suffered from night terrors. From about the age 2-6 I would have about 3 of them a year. I remember every single one.

I would have very vivid dreams where I was being chased by a bear, hunted by a wolf, covered in ants, or would be being attacked by puppies and kitties. Yes, the last one is true, and my mom humiliated me years later by announcing that I used to have bad dreams about puppies and kitties to all the kids in my 5th grade class while on a field trip. It was one of those "DUH!" mommy moments that she knew she'd regret as soon as the words were out of her mouth. But that's not the point of this story. Obviously, that is a whole 'nother post.

I remember all of these dreams. I'd start screaming and fighting and would actually SEE the menaces of my dreams in my room! I was technically still asleep. My mom or dad would race to my room after having been ripped from their own peaceful sleep by my terrifying screams and would have to just stand there until the terror had passed and I would peacefully, fall back to sleep.

But, I always remembered them. I remember telling my mom and dad about them the next day. In detail. My mom remembers hearing me scream "GET AWAY FROM ME! LOOK OUT! THE WOLF IS RIGHT THERE!" While pointing to an empty corner of my room. At about age 3.

So, lesson to parents. The experts don't always know what they are talking about. Night terrors, can be remembered by children. So make sure that if your child has one, you talk about it the next day. Maybe they wont remember. But if they do, make sure you are there to comfort them and explain that it was all pretend, you were there, and there was nothing in their room. They were and always will be safe!! Even from puppies and kitties!!


MrsM said...

Scary! But good to know.