Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Drumroll Please...

No longer will this blog be referred to as "Kitchen Table Parenting". I am now, introducing myself as...


I have been thinking and thinking about what to rename my blog. How to really get my feelers out in the blog world with a new online personification. And this post inspired me.

No, I am not really spoiled in the sense that my "mean" neighbor thinks I am. But I am spoiled in lots of hugs and kisses from my babies. A husband who comes home to me every night and actually WANTS to spend time with me instead of sitting in front of the TV while I take sole care of the children. And in the fact that I "get" to stay at home and raise these little ones myself without having to rely on a child care provider.

So I figured. It works.

A little ironic, a little funny, a lot of happy..I am "The Spoiled Housewife"!!!!

**I am going to be having a custom blog layout made..I am now looking for recommendations for inexpensive blog designers.

**Please update your site readers or blog rolls to work with my new address**

**Please note that if you read back posts that have links to other posts that I wrote under the KTParenting name, you will no longer be directed to the post mentioned. I will slowly but surely get that fixed. In the meantime you can fix the address by deleting the "kitchentableparenting" and typing in "thespoiledhousewife". **


MrsM said...

I'm cheap and easy! Wait, that didn't come out right. But I can make your blog pretty for a small (totally negotiable) fee.

I like your new name~I'll go update my links now :)