Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Punk's BIG Day

Today is the day. The day I have been dreading, yet looking forward to since the day that my little man was born. It seems like just a couple of weeks ago, my mom and I were talking about how quickly the 5 years would fly until Punk went to school. At that time he was probably only 6 weeks old. Now those 5 years are up. And as I type this the kids are getting dressed so that I can take Punk to his Kindergarten registration.

Last week he had his immunizations so that his record would be up to date for today. I've made his dentist and doctor appointments for his checkups that I'll have to turn in before the first day of school. I've gone over and over these questions, "How do you spell your name?" "What is your address?" "What is your phone number?" How high can you count?" Ect. Ect.

I honestly have no idea what they'll actually be asking him, and the fact that they will take him into another room away from me to do the evaluation, I'll probably never know, because my son, is a natural blonde, and it shows! (He'll forget the minute we're back in the car.) So it will probably all be a mystery. Well until Twinkletoes goes through this in 2 years. That girl will give me every detail down to what the teacher was wearing.

But for now, today is Punk's big day. I am a nervous wreck. He on the other hand, is all, "Whatever, lets get this over with." And a little tiny piece of my heart has broken. My baby boy is all grown up. My FIRST baby, my LAST baby boy, is getting prepared to leave our nest. I'm so proud. I'm so sad. But today is a day I will never forget. This is the beginning of a new life for Punk, and I can't wait to see him fly!


Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

And here I am dreading the 2 year mark...I can't even let myself think about kindergarten without feeling anxiety. Good Luck to Punk!