Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Live In His Glory

Last night I was awake most of the night. I started reading the book, The Shack by William P. Young. It's a little hard to read (so far) as a mother and I was tempted to stay up all night to read it all so that way I could find out if it had a good ending. But I didn't. Instead, I layed awake worrying for my own children. Now, I'm not saying not to read this book. I can't give a true opinion of it yet because I am not even halfway through it. It was loaned to me by my mother, and she never loans me books to read if she knows they will scare or upset me. Especially when the storyline involves a child. So..I'll update on my feelings for the book once I finish.

Anyway, I have been having heightened anxiety over my children's safety and health a lot lately. There was the scare that Twinkletoes gave me. And then of course I have been reading a few blogs from mother's who have sick children or who have lost children, and that certainly isn't helping this anxiety. I know I could just stop reading these kinds of things. But I don't, because I want to continually pray for these women and I can't do that without knowing what they are going through at the moment.

While I was laying in bed, wide awake, around 12:30 in the morning. I heard Ducky. She sounded terrible. Some sort of dry coughing was coming out of her. Then silence. Then a raspy breathing. I instantly freaked and ran to go get her out of her crib. (I honestly think she was just thirsty, now looking back.) But because I was shaken from the book I was reading, I was sure something was wrong. I took her and her favorite blanket into the family room and turned on a dim light. I held her and she kept doing that weird coughing, breathing thing and I just held her. She lay on my chest, refusing to look at me. Probably thinking, "What the heck Mom, give me a sip of water and let me get back to bed!!" But no, I just left her there until she fell back to sleep and her breathing was back to normal. That steady in and out of a sleeping child. I sat there for at least an hour, smelling her sweet head. She's 20 months old as of a few days ago, and she's losing her "baby smell". But I was breathing in what was left of it and admiring the love that I felt for her. I silently prayed my thanks to God for blessing me with not only this sweet miracle. But my other two miracles who were sound asleep in their beds.

Today, I awoke, after not much sleep, feeling very calm. I need not worry about what could happen. Why waste time in worry? For it says in Matthew 6: 27 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? And again in Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of it's own. I am writing these verses on an index card and taping them to my fridge today. I need to take each day at a time. Enjoy the blessings that I have been given, and NOT WORRY ABOUT ALL OF THE "WHAT IF'S"!!

Feeling rejuvenated by God's Love, I got online to catch up on blogs. And found this update. God truly is Good. God truly does give us hope in any storm. This mother may still have a very hard road ahead of her, but for today. She is happy. Praise Him!

And every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:11