Monday, April 27, 2009

Reason Why It Was The Best Weekend...

...minus pictures because I am too lazy it's too nice outside to mess around with trying to find my USB plug to upload!

My husband took off Friday, Saturday & Sunday!

We bought a new (to us) minivan!

We had two nights of hanging out until the wee hours of the morning on our breezeway with my husband's adult sons laughing and enjoying the warm breeze.

Our kids rode their bikes and played with the neighbor boy for hours on end, thus NOT whining about being bored.

I finished reading "The Shack".

I started reading "The Host", by Stephenie Meyer.

I got a suntan.

I got to hang out with my favorite neighbor & enjoy some great laughs.

My son's t-ball game went off without a hitch.

We grilled out twice!

We ate all of our meals on our outdoor dining set.

My husband finally installed my old fashioned wooden screen doors on our breezeway.

I then spent the entire weekend opening them just to hear them smack shut.

We bought some new plants and did a little landscape work.


How did YOU enjoy YOUR weekend?


Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

I love those weekends when you get to do everything you want.

We got some plants too and started some landscaping work in our back yard.

MrsM said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

I mostly just laid around and was super duper extra pregnant, but it was sunny outside so that was a plus.

I wanted to let you know that I gave you an award-specifically because you're always so friendly and cheerful!