Friday, April 3, 2009

Who Licked Off The Salt?

There are lessons that it seems like every mother learns, and then immediately forgets.

For instance, no matter how cute your baby's little tush looks with all those rolls and dimples. Letting said baby run around a room naked, with no diaper, always results in pee on the floor!

You'd think we'd learn, but no. I've made this mistake too many times to count! It's especially embarrassing when it happens when you have company over, and have to lay a towel over the wet spot so people's socks don't get wet. And you have to continually apologize as you watch them hop over the towel multiple times that evening.

Today, I was reminded of another lesson, that I have failed to retain in my memory.

It's a very very bad idea to eat a chip off of a toddler's plate. Nine times out of 10, you'll ended up popping a soggy mess into your mouth and will immediately gross yourself out and completely lose your appetite for your own healthy lunch.

Yep. We mother's just never learn!


Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

Yeah, just about anything on my daughters plate is off limits because I never know if it is half chewed or sucked on.

Suburban Turmoil said...

Very effective dieting technique, however. ;)

Jen L. said...

Hilarious! My son is learning to share, but he likes to share things that are already in his mouth. GAG!

Jennifer said...

Hahaha!! That's so funny! Oh man I've done that before with my little sister and it's soooo gross! Remind me of this again when I have a baby ok, cause I may forget before then!