Thursday, April 16, 2009

Maybe I Was Supposed To Forget? **EDITED**

Last night I couldn't sleep. Why? I don't know. I hadn't had any caffeine since my morning coffee. I was tired. But I just couldn't get my eyes to stay shut. As I laid there staring at the ceiling a great blog post idea popped into my head. I considered getting out of bed and typing it up and scheduling it to post first thing this morning. Therefore, saving me a bit of time this morning because I knew my kids would be impatient to get outside since the sun was finally going to be making an appearance after three solid days or dreary skies and cold rain. But, I talked myself out of it, mainly because I was just too darn comfortable to convince myself to get out of bed and walk into the dining room to turn on the computer. Nevermind that the dining room is about 10 paces from our bedroom door.

"Oh well. I'll just lay here and plan it out in my head so in the morning I can type it out real quick, get everyone dressed and head outside.", I thought.

Ha. What a joke. I spent the next 30 minutes, at least, laying there and "blogging" in my head. It was a great post. I think. It was funny. I think. It had substance. I think. I could win awards for that post. I think.

Needless to say, if you haven't figured out already. I have no freaking clue what that post was going to be about. None. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Zero.

So instead this is a post about a great post that I was going to give you but have since forgotten so now you get to hear about how I was going to entertain you but now I'm not since I forgot what I was going to say. (Is there a blog award for the most random rambling sentence? If there is, will you award it to me?)

Since I don't have anything to say. And my kids are getting ants in their pants waiting for me to get dressed and let them loose outside. I give you a list of bloggers that need your prayers. Desperately. I'd be very happy if you visited them all, and said a little prayer for each one of them today. And remember to keep them in your prayers daily. (Maybe, just maybe I was meant to forget my FABULOUS post so that I could bring these prayer requests to your attention. Nothing is an accident right? I think the Lord meant for this to happen..although I would not complain if at some point today He helps me to remember what I WAS going to post about. And if He does..well then I promise to type it out right then and schedule it to post tomorrow. It was a FANTASTIC post..I KNOW it was..)


MckMama & Stellan - battling with SVT (rapid rhythm of the heart) & preparing for the trip to Boston as I type this
Caroline - battling ITP (low platelet count) and may need another trip to the doctor today
Bruce's family - no words here..just please read
April Rose - may she be born healthy
Angie - just passed what should have been the one year birthday of her beloved daughter, Audrey Caroline, preparing for a trip to Calcutta
Hannah's Dad - in the hospital trying to recover from a massive heart attack (She is also a friend whom I have known since grade school!) **EDIT**Just found out he lost his fight, please pray for comfort and healing for the family!
Rochelle's brother Brian - undergoing his second brain surgery on April 27th (info on sidebar)

If you know of others in the blog world who are in need of prayer, please add them to the comment section so that myself and others will know to add them to our prayers lists.

Hope you have a wonderful day, enjoy the sunshine if its shining in your little part of the world, and hug your babies a little tighter today and thank God that they are healthy!!


Rochelle said...

Jen, I'll keep all these people in prayer. Please add my brother, Brian to the list. He is having brain surgery on April 27th, a week from this Monday.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha your are funny! I sware I write great right before I fall asleep also! It would pay if we actually did get up, maybe!

I wanted to thank youfor stopping by my blog!

I am very lucky not to get headaches, but really my husband and one of my daughters gets migranes so they have more then made up for my lackof them! My husband earliest memories are of passing out feom headach pain! Poor guy! I am so glad that you can appriciate the whole Coloring thing...some sure don't! it is relaxing and we all wanna be artist right! I really had a laugh about your being 5'1 and having size 8 feet, not that the feet size are funny mind you just the mix my body size! Anyway..enough I do go on...Blessing to you and I will be praying along with you. Shi~