Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wow..My Busy Life, In Pictures

Where oh where have I been? Let's see if this is any explanation...

We spent a rainy day at the Muirfield Golf Course for a practice round of the Memorial Tournament to celebrate my dad's 55th birthday. This is SB & me!

And here is the "birthday boy" my dad and my brother.

We got to watch Tiger & Jack Nicklaus play in the Double Skins Tournament. (Tiger was the winner!)

We had our driveway widened and re-gravelled.



We've enjoyed many evenings on our breezeway playing with the we were letting them be photographers.

We've had water fights.

We've played in the sprinkler.

Twinkletoes had her dance recital.

And of course we have had many, MANY bonfires. (The man in the picture is my 20 year old stepson, J.)

So I have been trying to be online..but it hasn't been happening too much. I do promise a more "wordy" post tomorrow!