Friday, June 12, 2009

TGI - "Date Night"

Can I just shout, at the top of my lungs...TGIF!!!

Seriously! I am SO SO SO excited it's Friday. SB and I succeeded in having a nice, calm week, and I think we all are finally feeling refreshed around here. The kids are not nearly as crabby. I am not nearly as bone-tired. And SB seems to be in a more sociable mood than he was at the beginning of the week. In fact, just last night he asked me if I'd like to sit outside with him on the breezeway, after the kids are in bed and play Cribbage tonight. You're probably thinking, "big deal, your husband wants to have a game night, so what?" But this really IS a big deal! I LOVE to play games. If I had my way we'd play Rummy, Cribbage or even Go Fish, every night of the week. And then on weekends have friends or family over for Euchre or Monopoly on the weekends. But my husband, well, although when he does play games, he enjoys himself, he usually opts not to play any of the games I suggest when I suggest them.

So for him to come out and ask me if I want to play a game and even make a "date" for it. Well I'm pumped!! It's a break from the normal, "put the kids in bed, get showers, then lay in bed and watch TV until bedtime" routine that we normally are in. I thought about pressing my luck and see if he wanted to invite another couple over and play Euchre instead, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized, after last week, a night playing a game and talking to each other, ALONE, sound much more fun! Maybe next month..

Our days of "date nights" are pretty non-existent these days. I have no desire to go out to a bar like we used to. And 9 times out of 10 when we do get a night alone without the kids, it turns into a quick dinner out and then a movie night in our house, sans the kids bedtime ritual, which to be honest, is the perfect date night for me now that I am a mother of 3. And a STAY AT HOME mother at that! Kids really wear you out and make you appreciate quiet moments at home, ALONE, with your husband.

What do you do for date nights? If you get any at all.

I'll try to post a bit tomorrow morning, but it's going to be a bit of a busy day. We've got Punk's LAST t-ball game, and then we have to get Punk and Twinkletoes ready for an overnight camping trip with my mom. So, if I have a spare moment, I'll pop in, if not..well I'll see you on Monday!

Have a GREAT weekend..and seriously..let me know your own date night ideas! I may have to put them to the test in upcoming weeks..and you never may make the blog! :)


MrsM said...

I have heard legends about these things called "dates". We however have a disgusting lack of childcare, so our last "date" consisted of my MIL watching Monkey and Baby Bug (this was last November, way before The Bean was born) while Hubby and I went to pick up his paycheck, filled up at the gash station, and then ran to the Jack N The Box. We went through the drive through. Happy anniversary.

We do like to imagine that someday we will go on a day trip to the beach...but until the kids get old enough that they can ALL walk, talk, and wipe their own butts there's no way we could convince anyone to watch them.

For now we will just stay up talking or watch some TV and eat snacks together. It's kind of like our own personal slumber party, and we do that a couple times a month. We really have a lot of fun, but someday it'll be nice to actually do something away from the kids!