Thursday, June 25, 2009

It's Hot

It is hot.

I mean HOT.

Seriously, it's really really hot.

And you know what I am doing on this HOT HOT HOT day?

Rummaging through my basement digging out all of our junk so I can hold a garage sale tomorrow.

And then I am lugging all of my junk up the steep basement steps.

I then am dragging it all outside into the HOT air to wipe down and price.

If I don't make at least $150 tomorrow..

I swear I will throw myself down on the hot, itchy grass and throw a tantrum.

Did I mention that it's HOT?

Do you know what I'd much rather be doing today than this disgusting chore?

I'd much rather be spending it the way I spent last Friday when it hit 90 degrees.

I'd be with my children at my aunt & uncle's house swimming in their pool.

Yep. That's what I'm dreaming of.

Floating in the pool.

Watching my kids paddle around with their water wings on.

And drinking margaritas.

Just like I did last Friday.

But instead.

It's HOT.

I'm covered in basement filth.

And dreaming of the dollar signs I will be making tomorrow.

And dreaming, is probably the appropriate word for it.

Since it's HOT, and people are probably all going to be at their aunt's pool.

Or at the community pool that is just down the street from here.

And where will I be?

Sitting in my front yard.

Keeping my kids out of the junk.

That I will be begging people to buy.

Yep. Sounds like a fun day.