Saturday, July 11, 2009

Oh, I'm Rockin' It!

If you hadn't noticed my new profile picture. I got a hair cut. I decided to be a copy cat and have it cut exactly like Kate Gosselin. You know, the mother of 8 y/o twins and 5 y/o sextuplets. The soon-to-be ex wife of Jon. You know, from the show "Jon & Kate, Plus 8" on TLC. Are you following me yet?

Anyway..I knew in advance that it was not exactly a very "popular" cut as far as the media goes. I had read a comment recently that suggested maybe the kids had gotten loose with the scissors. Kathy Griffin dubbed it "just ridiculous". You know..regular run of the mill slamming of a mother. And in reality, that's what she is. A mother. Why people feel the need to pick her apart is really beyond me. Leave the poor woman alone..she's just trying to give her children a good life. I'll tell you, if TLC, or any network, came knocking on my door and wanted to film my family, and could pay me millions of dollars to allow'd bet your booty you'd be watching us every Thursday at 8pm! ha!

Okay, so onto my own my own "Flock of Seagulls-humped-a-porcupine, reverse mullet weave" hair.

(let me just step down my my soap box)

I got my hair cut like her's last week. And I absolutely adore it. I already had my hair weaved blond so that was one step I didn't have to do. I went to Great Clips, of all places, with my $4.99 coupon in hand, said a little prayer, and hoped that it would turn out good. What I got, was pretty good. I still had to chop on it a little at home, but no biggie. I immediately updated my Facebook and Twitter status announcing my new hair. And then, ran to find my camera to post vanity pictures!

Here I am:

To be honest, it's even cuter now, because I looked at more of her pictures online, and realized I wasn't parting it far enough over on the one side to get more of the "flop" across my left eye. And I had to trim up the top some more to get more of the "spike". Yeah, I'm really loving this hair..did I mention that?

My husband, adores the haircut. Says its the best one I've ever had. "Very sexy." My friends and family all gave rave reviews as well. I was even told that "You put her (Kate) to shame." All the positive feedback relieved my worries that people would think it was stupid to copy someone who is so "in the spotlight" right now. You know, I didn't want it to be one of those "Rachel from Friends" things where EVERYONE was copying her, and no one really looked good in the cut except for Jen Aniston.

But yesterday, I found my first critic. I was sitting under my lovely shade tree in the front yard, messing around on Facebook, while holding a yard sale. A woman, got out of her vehicle and walked up. I glanced up and said "hello" and went back to what I was doing. She was dressed pretty shlumpy. Her hair was frizzy and pulled back in what I assume was supposed to be a pony tail, but had probably been slept on for 3 or 4 nights. I really don't judge people like that, but you just wait until you hear what she said and then you'll understand. She walked right up to me. Pointed at my head and said "Why in the hell would you do that to yourself? Or are you just a bitch like her (Kate)?"

What?? Seriously? Wow.

I didn't even respond to her. I mean how would YOU respond to that? I just looked back down at my laptop, and updated my Facebook status to, "is just WOW! Some lady (at my yard sale) just said to me, "Why in the hell would you do that to yourself? (pointing at my hair) Or are you just a bitch like her?" Really lady??? Little does she know while she's going back to her shopping that I'm calling her out on FB! mwah hahaha!!" It made me feel better. Not that she had hurt my feelings, but to be that blatantly rude to a perfect stranger. Bizarre.

Here were some of the comments that I received from friends:

Do people have brains anymore? Why would you say something like that to someone?

Little does she realize how ugly her arrogant and critical attitude make her. No hair style could make up for that.

I think you should blog about her too...Nasty!

I love your hair!!! She is just jealous!

It blows my mind how ignorant people are!

Obviously, I chose to take the advice to blog about her as well. So, Ms. I Haven't Combed My Hair In Days, So I Feel The Need To Make Myself Feel Better By Attempting To Humiliate Strangers, you did not humiliate me. You actually made me laugh. I know that I am rockin' this hairstyle. My husband thinks it's hot. My friends think it's cute. My mom even asked me for hairstyle advice since I apparently have "nailed the perfect hairstyle for my face". So by putting me down, in my own front yard, all you did was give me the fuel for a great blog post. SO THERE!!


Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

What happened to manners? What a crazy woman! I think it looks good on you.

MrsM said...

The ONLY person you have to please with your hair cut is YOU! :) Other people don't count-especially not crazy ladies who insult perfect strangers at yard sales!